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  1. I had the same problem, although I found i didn't have to re-intialise the device. It didn't happen to be on all tracks but when SS used to crash randomly I found all the tracks in the batch wouldn't play. So you could babysit the app and transfer albums 1 by 1 and retransfer albums it crashes on. As for 4.2 I did have the same problem until I took the steps I described in my "possible solution..." thread. Basically I think you need to do a clean install of sonicstage after removing any traces of sony software.
  2. Has no one tried this? Every track that stopped being transfeerable/convertable with the various SS updates now works. I transferred over 4000 tracks in 1 go and it didn't crash unlike before when i had to babysit the appliactiion
  3. When I installed SS 4.2 it wouldn't transfer/convert any tracks even though they had transferred/converted previously So I did the following. Unistalled SS 4.2 (I'd reccomend ppl to unistall OMG jukebox as well at this point although I didn't and deleted some dll assciated with it in the next part. it caused problems until I unistalled it using add/remvoe programs) I also deleted all my .oma tracks as well Searched windows for every reference of sonic stage and sony (ss is the only sony app on my pc) deleted everything. For .dlls I used unlocker to delete them at next start up. Rebooted. Installed SS4.2 Added my libary. Started converting my libary to .oma tracks. Works like a dream, and it hasn't crashed once while converting yet. My comp has been converting tracks for the last 3 hours with out any problem. Bare in my mind my PC has 2 gig Ram which may help the crashing issue. Hope this helps others, and I bare no responsibility if it doesn't work or cause problems for others.
  4. userno2

    NW-A3000 Rockbox Project

    I think this is a great idea, unfortuantly I am not in a position to help. Wish you luck though.
  5. I was trying to transfer a large playlist to the player. Sonicstage crashed during the transfer. The player will now not shutdown and is stuck with the connecting text on the screeen. So my question is, is there anyway to shut the player off safely? none of the buttons work btw.
  6. for people who want there track order back try this. Connect the player to your pc, start up connect player (not sonic stage), it will read the player and transfer something. I then closed connect player, and started up sonice stage. Unplugged player and check it, the all the listings have re-ordered and and there no longer a a-z monolith.
  7. You can set the artist link yourself all it does it group artists together, why they could'use the tack genre to do this i don't know.
  8. Yes i have the same prob, this is from my post in an incorrect thread.
  9. I haven't updated my A3000 firmware, but i did update Sonicstage to 4.0. When I connected my player it SS updated the players database. When I'm looking for tracks I can either search one long list from 'a-z' or another long list 'etc' for all options.. The a-z list is unsorted (the first album name begins with a 's'. Infact all the various lists are sorted incorrectly. Can anyone help with this? Also does artist link function still mess up the ID tags on mp3s? Sorry if this in the wrong thread but is seems to cover a number of topics
  10. I went through all my tags when i noticed the player would list THE BAND and the band as 2 seperate artists. Personnally i don't use sonic stage or connect player to edit tags. I use MP3nity from littlelan.com, i really can't recommed this app enough.
  11. hmm thanks i looked in to it the tracks have a frequency of 44kHz Any other suggestions?
  12. Cool thanks for your prompt answer, i've developed a bad habit of never reading manuals
  13. Some times sonicstage wont transfer some mp3's to the device has any one been able to work out the reasons why? I can't seem to find any differences between the tracks it will or wont transfer Thanks
  14. Does anyone know how to skip foward an album on the remote control? Meant to be 20gb but displays only 18 gig free after format any one know why? Thanks in advance
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