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Everything posted by dan_galpin

  1. unfortunately the USB cable isn't standard at all.. it's actually bigger than a standard USB connector cheers nuld, that's the puppy.. i did find one on ebay a few days back but got outbid - it went for 45 quid! still, i'll give it a go just can't believe they can get away with charging so much for a simple usb cable
  2. Hi, having invested in a Sony NW A3000, i promptly managed to lose the USB cable. i rang up sony customer support and they quoted me 60 quid for a replacement! once i had recovered from the shock i spent a massive amount of time trying to locate a cheaper alternative with no joy (why do sony insist on proprietary USB cables??) Any ideas?? i think i'd rather never import any more music onto my player than give away 60quid for a usb cable... Dan
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