I have about 70 GB of OMA files downloaded from my Hi-LP with copy protection removed.
It has been in a directory within h:\
I now will do away with the h:\ and everything will move to e:\
What options do I have to make sure SonicStage still keeps tabs on my files? Is there some text file I can do a global change? Do I use SonicStage to move files from H:\ to E:\ so it knows about the move?
Also can I replace SonicStage with MediaMonkey if I have ATRACplus stuff on my HDD? Sorry if my questions are rather noddy in nature ... I have a pile of stuff in ATRAC* and a pile of stuff in iTunes. Similar story with my digital images. Different cameras have different software to download and manage. So I am all confused and disorganised.
Thanks for any pointers. Ming
PS I just saw http://forums.sonyinsider.com/index.php?showtopic=23685 - will have to re-read it