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Very very jealous Juli!! Guess John Lewis is due a visit (though I cant get there till tomorrow) Coincidently I emailed my usual Sony shop (ASK Electronics on Tottenham Court Road) this morning to ask (sorry!) if they were getting/had got any. AMAZINGLY they replied saying " been in touch with our supplier and been told not for 2 months"!!!!!! Maybe they arent included in this first "wave" ( is it just John Lewis and Sonystyle perhaps?) Hope to see your initial thoughts soon. Regards.
I'm confused now!! Amrit's link above (to us site) mentions the noise cancelling headphones - says MDR-NC20 as the model number ( on features page) Surely that cant be right?? (Those arent earbuds/iems!) Everywhere else mentions "EX" series. Does anyone know the exact model no? I've got EX90's at home. Love the sound - but they "leak" outside a lot (IMHO) Prefer to use Etymotics or Superfis to be honest. But how much of the "noise cancelling" would be lost if I use other than the supplied? Presumably one has to just leave noise-cancelling off if using anything other than supplied phones?? Regards.
Hi Kittykat81 Agree with you re the "travel light" idea - just having the one small device ( but with browse/email as well as music/vids) is very very appealing. The small ray of hope for me is the "Netfront Browser"phrase ( and my earlier link fromPocketables shows a fully functioning browser on that thing called Mylo2?? And I searched on "netfront" and saw lots of details re browser for phones etc. The pessimistic interpretation is that on the x1000 the "netfront" is a very cut down version!! Regards
This waiting is getting to me now!! Not only misreading dates.........................but now multiple posts!!!!! Sorry. PS ..................... I have a confession to make....................... if the Sony browser is as "crippled" as some are saying ..............I might seriously look at the itouch. ( AND for a Sony addict of many years standing - that's almost heresy) (LOL). But I really want to use the X1000 like my daughter uses her itouch. I can just about get decent SQ from an ipod with a line out cable and a headphone amp. All the 3rd party apps interest me too and I'm not expecting the X1000 to go down that road at all - sony never have. For me I can carry my 16gb 639 for music alone - and use X1000 for vids, browsing etc and apps if poss. ( but perhaps an itouch for the last lot????) My dear sony loving friends please talk me out of this???? Convince me the x1000 is worth waiting for and indeed an "itouch killer"!!! Regards.
So sorry !!!!!!!! I misread your May as March!!! Apologies!!
Hi Kittykat81 Not being funny/sarcastic here - but did you really mean "march"??!! Obviously that's last Thursday!! If they really were appearing then I'd expect someone somewhere to have posted by now!! (if only YIPPEE!!) I'm thinking we might still have a few weeks to wait...............! Regards
Hi all Re the browser - I found the following link at the Pocketables site. http://www.pocketables.net/2009/03/sony-x1...nt-browser.html There are links to the Mylo2 ( which I'd never heard of?!) running "NetfrontBrowser" - and if anything similar on the X1000 then I'll be very delighted!! Regards.
Hi shanieaibo Thanks for your earlier comments re the case. It sounds very similar to the Noreve cases rather than those Sony 829 ones with the "clipon base" thingie - so I'm pleased with that. But Ill be very disappointed re the browser - my daughter sits on our sofa with an itouch fired up and brows.es/facebooks/emails etc - and I was hoping to do same with the Sony!!! I'll still get one though - more than enough good points for me (32gb, SQ, screen, battery life etc Really appreciate your replies/contributions to the forum - thanks again. Regards.
Hi ShanieAIBO ! Welcome too from me to the forum. Most of the regulars here are Sony fans - desparate to get our hands on what sounds like a superb new gadget!! £235 is actually a bit less than some people were speculating - I'm personally very very interested in the wifi side of things - what will the browser allow us to do re downloading/streaming/saving etc etc You said the Proporta case is similar to Sony's for the 820. (Presume you mean the leather one?) I've got a Sony case for my 829 - not 100% happy with it!!!! The "backplate" thingie which the 829 clips onto is a bit cumbersome (IMHO) and I dont like the closure being one of those "magnetic" ones (again IMHO) I've got an 808 which is in a Noreve leather case - the unit is held in "on all sides" and a proper clip/fastener - I'll probably hold out for a Noreve case for my X1060. Regards.
Hi all I just had a look at the Cowon - very nice looking piece of kit - but (unless I'm wrong) I think it just plays music and vids?? No browser? Back to the "dandruff" !! Looked even more closely at the Spec on the HK link. Under "interface" it says WM-port and then Hi-speed usb - I'm reading that to mean just physically the same/single wm dock port on the bottom ( NOT a mini usb as well ??) More intriguingly .............. under supplied accessories we have " usb cable " ( which I'm seeing as the same wm plug one end and standard usb other - exactly same as 800/810/820/630 series - so i've got several spares!!) BUT then it says "attachment" (WHAT????) but then "audio input cable"!!! What exactly is that??? Anyone got any ideas?? This wait is killing me - someone please get hold of one of these and post a review soon!! Regards.
Thanks Juli and Kafkef I'm learning all the time here!!! ( and to be honest - just filling time with speculation/questions etc - I'm getting one no matter what!! But May/June will be far too long!!!!!!!) Regards.
Hi all. Been looking again at the HongKong specification which C.Mil linked to earlier. I thought the Browser part had said (under Wifi) "Internet Browser 11" But I think the "11" should have been in smaller font ............. and in fact is referring to "footnote 11" at the bottom. And disappointingly ( though maybe not surprising !) that note says "device not able to show flash nor download". I was fully expecting the "no download" - but rather disappointed in the "not show flash" comment??!! And - not just disappointed - but rather baffled?? Supposed to be able to see Youtube videos ??? But arent those "flash videos" anyway?? What exactly does "device not able to show flash contents" really mean?? Are we into similar territory as with my Archos 605 player?? Some content on some sites is viewable - some isnt. Depends on the encoding ie which version of Adobe has been used?? It's all rather baffling at the moment - the wait is killing me - just hope the browser part of the "dandruff" isnt as "crippled" as I fear it might be!!! Regards.
Hi all Thanks to C.Mil for the HongKong link. A detailed specification there - with some interesting extra details !! Firstly - did we know for sure there was FM radio?? The spec says Yes! (I must have missed that) After all our worries re battery life - we are looking at 33 hrs (9 hrs video!! Not bad at all!!) The browser stuff interests me a lot - what is "Internet Browser*11" ??? Or "Netfront Browser for Walkman" ??? Anyone any ideas?? It's getting nearer folks!!! Come on the "DANDRUFF PLAYER" !!! LOL ( copyright Juli !!) Regards.
Hi Juli I really really hope for all our sakes that this wonderful new player is out sooner rather than later!! I've got the funds set aside now - and will ( like Oldskoold!) be straight over to TCR to pick one up asap. ( My usual supplier is ASK - they know me as the "Sony collector!!" ) But your change of date reminded me of a situation I had last year. I'd found some (admittedly obscure ) CD's I wanted. I ordered on Amazon about Jan/Feb. Expected was early March. But then the date kept being put back several times. I complained - but got assured "definitely June"!! Then date got put back again. Rather than cancel - I just let it run. The date got put back a few weeks at a time - until just before Xmas - then suddenly it changed to "sorry unavailable"!!!! I'm sure (I hope) that this wont happen here Juli .......!? BUT I do just hope that the people who thought " late spring/summer" arent closer - compared with the "week or few" that the rest of us are hoping for!! Re the machine - I'm surprised there arent more rumours/whispers etc about actual ( or hoped for) functions. I've no doubt the music side will be (at least) on a par with 820/630 series. But I'm wondering more re video( especially the on the fly downloading/watching of Youtube type stuff?) And for me especially the wi-fi/browser side is very important. Hope someone / somewhere posts a hands-on soon!!!! Regards to all.
Hi all Four days without any posts in this forum?? Better type something!!! The wait is killing me - and I'm especially worried that your " countdown days" Juli turns into weeks or even months??? Sony have done this before - I seem to remember one of the portable minidisc recorders being talked about pre Xmas one year - supposed to be released Jan/Feb - then was put back etc etc - and I eventually found one in London about June time!!! Quick question - I suppose the X1000 has the "normal" walkman port - so all our cables from 800/810/820/630 etc series will fit and work fully?? But I guess we will also be able to transfer content via wifi ( and bluetooth?? ) - charge via usb through the walkman port/dock? Speaking of things "dock" - I sometimes use my HD1 and HD5 ( and minidiscs) with line-out switched in - into various headphone amps. The 800/820/630's never had line-out options available? I'm guessing that x1000 wont either. I think it's a shame. Anyway - regards to all. On with the waiting!!