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Everything posted by greatbigkev

  1. Over the weekend, I finally got round to trying to sort the problem out. I updated the firmware and Connect version, initialized the NW-A3000 (I had to because Connect wouldn't recognise the player otherwise - very annoying!), defragmented the unit and retransferred all my music. With 4,000+ tracks and only USB1 ports available, this took a LONG time! Anyway, the eventual outcome is that my DAP works better than it's ever done (thank goodness - I was close to giving up!). Start-up now takes 10 seconds instead of more than a minute and everything else is pretty instantaneous instead of waiting for the spinning disc to do its thing! Very, very happy (or should that be 'relieved'?). It was a hassle getting the player working well again (and one that shouldn't have been necessary) but well worth it in the end.
  2. So, if I've got this right - SonicStage is the way to go. Fair enough! Still no real idea on how to stop the player being so slow and just hanging when it starts up though? Should the latest firmware update help? Kev
  3. Hi all, First post after lots of reading so please be gentle! I've had an NW-A3000 since Christmas and, Connect problems excepted, I'm really pleased with it - or at least I was until this time last week! Last Wednesday I went to use my player on the train for my commute home but instead of getting the usual welcome screen I was greeted with 'rebuilding library'. This took ages and, ever since, I've had a nightmare with the player. When I go to use the player it takes at least three minutes (with the 'spinning disc' icon) before I can play anything. All menus take forever to call up and some of the facilities (time machine shuffle, for instance) have gone awol. What's the best thing for me to do? It's driving me round the bend! On a completely separate note, I've only ever used Connect for my player. Is Sonicstage much better? I need to upgrade to the latest version of Connect, which I've read is a big improvement on the previous ones, but I wonder if it's worth it. To those who have used both, what do you say? Shall I go for the latest version of Connect or ditch it and plough straight into the SonicStage CP? What are the pros and cons of the two programs? Thanks for any help or advice, Kev
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