well i just got the nw-a608 player, despite all the warnings about the horrible software.. anyway, is it really that horrible? what i do know is that with connect you get all the functions the player has, you almost certanly will have problems with transferring and some ripping. and it is slow and converts everything to atrac(not sure on this, can anyone confirm??) with sonic , transfering and ripping cds is like a walk in the park. it doesnt convert everything thing to atrac(again not sure on the last thing) the bad thing is that you will lose some of the functions, and lose the ability to upgrade firmware?? file manager is a easy drag and drop program that will make it easy to transfer, though its only drag and drop it will still make youre songs fall under the rigth artist, genre, and album?... havent really heard to much about the file manager so plealse tell me something about it... that goes for all of the programs, feel free to correct my wrongs and fill in my missing pieces... thats all i know, however i do not know what is the best option... so what do you think?