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Everything posted by haybrd

  1. thought I'd give you the update. Last night was the big day and......... SS V2.0 didn't work, just said it couldn't find the driver needed so I installed V3.0 over the top of it. All went well until the machine rebooted and it underwent its 'Sonicstage Database Conversion' bit and it fell over and gave me an illegal action message . Fortunately second time of asking it was fine and both my MD player and my otherhalfs new 'MP3' player work perfectly . We have now given up talking and just sit and listen to our music all night long!
  2. Thanks OCedHrt. I think I'll risk the upgrade then, if v2.0 works v3.0 hopefully will.
  3. Thanks Kurisu. Like the forum by the way (Love MD forum and this is just in the same vein!) My worry about upgrading to 3.x was that I just meet the minimum specs for 2.0 and all the specs for 3.x seem higher and my ye olde Win 98 PC is coping well (but slowly with 2.0) and I didn't want to 'rock the boat' after reading all the problems that some have had installing/upgrading SS. My philosophy being, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  4. Hi All, I am a very proud NH900 user and love it but my other half wants an MP3 player for using at the gym etc. My great plan was to get her one of the small round Sony ones (NW-E105) so that she can make the most of my music collection stored in SS. My MD player came with SS 2.0 which as I have an old PC works fine and I am hesitant to upgrade to SS 3.0 (which comes with the MP3 player) incase it kills my old computer. My question, does anyone here know if the NW-E105 works with SS 2.0? Cheers for now.
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