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Everything posted by LeoKu

  1. LeoKu

    nw-003F static noises

    The nw-003f is pretty functional, but when u turn the volume down to 1 u can hear static noises in the background . Is there a way to patch /update/fix this problem??????????
  2. LeoKu

    Error file NW-003F

    sry for wasting people time to read this thread !! sry sry sry !!! lol,,,problem fixed. Just easily reformatted my player n problem solved.
  3. LeoKu

    Error file NW-003F

    I ve accidental delete music files from my NW-003F player without using the sonicstage program . Now when i play my player it shows that the files are still there and shows an"file error" message. I can still play songs with player ,but everytime it gets to the titles of the deleted songs ,it jams wif the "file error " message . Could anyone pls help me solve this problem????
  4. if u bought ur nw-a608 from japan , it is impossible to change the radio frequency that is bcoz sony made a certain range frequency for players in each country, eg. the range for japan nw-a608 is way smaller than the 1 in U.S. As far as i know it is impossible to change the frequency, which is very weird coz sony could hav made 1 player that hav a large radio frequency range. This information is according to my friend which also has a japan version nw-a608 !
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