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Everything posted by Mystyler

  1. I didn't think it was true!! I do know of dodgy Chinese brand DVD units that ignore SCMS, but as you say sharkymark, with all the big brands I've never been able to copy digitally from a DVD.
  2. I'm going to assume you're in the USA, Atomsk. Are you willing to import? There is a much larger selection to be had if you do. For starters, there is the DR7(DR480)/DR420/MT888/MT899 from Sharp and the R909/R910/N1/N707/N10 (maybe to pricey) from Sony. Also there is the Panasonic MR220 and MR230.
  3. Depending on what you have, and your budget, you can get a digital MD transfer happening - but at the moment it would still be real-time. For a starters, you'd need a deck with a digital out and a PC with digital inputs, be that via USB or soundcard.
  4. How about, "Join The Revolution" Forum. No Sony users or advocates of capitalism. Especially combinations of the two. :twisted:
  5. If you do get the mono to stereo adapter, it will still essentially be mono (I don't think it will matter much for your application) but you'll get sound from both sides of your headphones if indeed the mic you are using is mono. Or you could try mono recording - it'd be cheaper!
  6. I know here in Australia, if your MD will not record from DVD it is due to SCMS. Many other parts of the world have this too, but the Netherlands seem exempt...?! You can still make an excellent copy using the analouge outs from your DVD player.
  7. Alright! Nice colour combo, kurisu!
  8. Have you ensured that you have selected the line in as the desired recording source, and that Windows is using the correct device (sound card) for recording?
  9. If I remeber correctly, this is because the DG2 isn't true SPDIF - it doesn;t allow the carriage of certain "bits" which designate trackmarks.
  10. Any MD will be able to record music off NT computers in real-time, but if you want NetMD to work, then you'll have to look elsewhere I believe. However, NetMD recorders will still be able to record of NT computers in real-time.
  11. That is certainly interesting! Thanks for the info DAXMD, I certainly didn't know that.
  12. Mystyler

    types of discs

    The only difference will be the build quality of the plastic shell - sound quality is the same across all discs. By all means try the cheap ones, if they don't work you haven't lost much and if they do work (which they certainly should) you have scored a bargain.
  13. If it will be used purely for voice recording, then an IC will be best for you, especially if it allows fast uploading.
  14. Yes, that would be it. It looks the same except on the actual plug itself it is divided into three sections, and not two as on an analogue one.
  15. The magnetic head must contact the disc? I'm not so sure about that, since MD uses a non-contact recording mechanism...:?: I have the same problem with my recorder, and the problem lies in the fact the magnetic head is out of alignment.
  16. Seems to me like you're using an analogue line cable. Get a stereo one and your problem should be fixed.
  17. Digital all basically sounds the same - analogue depends on how much care you take while recording. Done properly it will be very hard to tell the two methods apart.
  18. Better headphone out, dedicated line out and less green coloured backlit remotes...
  19. That is generally the case - most CDs don't have CDTEXT and most of the time, the ones that do are prevented to allow the transfer of track titles! Odd, huh? If your deck works with CD-RWs or CD-Rs, you can make your own compilations and use incorporate CDTEXT with them.
  20. This takes me back... I remember reading two other posts by two different users, who claim this happened after they did the R900 hack on their R700s. I think both fixed the problem by un-hacking their units. The same happened when they used the R900 remote. Perhaps un-hack the R700 and try the R700 remote, instead of the R50's. Other than that, I can't help much, as I am unfamiliar with Sony portable's service mode... Your English is perfect, Kotarou.
  21. Sharp is indeed King when it comes to live recording. Depending on your budget, from most expensive to least: MD-DR7 MD-MT888 MD-MT290 MD-MT190 The DR7 is a serious recorder, and well worth the cash. However, all units will perform the tasks you ask of it without trouble. To convert MD--->CD, you will need some recording software and a PC, and as long as it takes to record the MD to PC. Unfortunatley, unless you spend huge sums of money, there is no faster than real-time transfer MD--->PC. Being in Canada will probably mean ordering online to buy the Sharps, as they are bloody rare in Canada and North America. Try www.audiocubes.com .
  22. There is always the N910, if you'd prefer.
  23. You could try pre-ordering one from www.audiocubes.com or Hyperjack. They are basically the same thing. Perhaps www.minidisco.com will carry them. There is also Francis Tung, who can get virtually and MD unit you want at damn good prices. There is also Bluetin...the list can go on forever!
  24. Stealthy, have you got your manual handy? :twisted: Basically, "Din Unlock" means that it can tell that it is ment to be recording a digital signal, but it can't detect any signal...in this case, it is more than likely due to the DVD's SCMS copy protection. If you can't get around it, then apart from spending huge sums of money on an SCMS bit stripper, or re-wiring your DVD player to play via your soundcard with digital I/O, then you'll have to record in analouge. BUT! If you're recording from a decent DVD unit, then you will be hard pressed to tell the difference between digital and analogue. For tapes, the best way is simply pop the tape in the deck, connect your MD to the tape deck's line out, and go from there. As a side note, I didn't get your PM. :wink:
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