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  1. Hey all, Great MD labels!!!!! I have been using the Mironics Minidisc Suite software to create my custom MD covers. The software imports a template to MS WORD to print out or to further customize. However, I am still not satisfied with the finished product. Does anybody know of a shareware/freeware that formats and creates the MD Label for printouts. Or does anybody have a good template for creating custom MD Labels?????? Hook me up!!!!!!!! Thanks! Ruben
  2. Thanks for the reply. Yes as a Westerner I would not take advantage of the extra functionality that the 12 has to display Japanese/Chinese/etc special text characters. All of my minidiscs are labled in english (no need to display special characters.) So the 12 does have a brighter display? I have seen some pictures of it and the blue text with the roman lettering, with the gap spacing looks wierd. The 11 on the other hand has a wierd design where the earphone jack is a protrusion on the back of the remote. Does the scrolling of the text differ between the 11 and 12 remotes? I read that the 12 jurk scrolls, is the 11 similar or better? I am still trying to decide which one to get. Any more advice, or any more purchasing points to favor one remote over the other would be great! Thanks!!!
  3. Hello, I have been looking into the Sony RM-MC12ELK Universal MD remote, and the Sony RMMC11ELS universal MD remote. Which one is better for the Sony MZ-G750 MD Recorder/Player? I realize that both of the mentioned Sony remotes above will not operate the AM/FM tuner of my Sony MZ-G750 MD Recorder/Player. I am looking for a remote with a lit LCD display, a jog lever to enable programming of tracks (with the hack MZ-G750 to MZR900), and easier access to volume control and other functions. Is the more expensive Sony RM-MC12ELK Universal MD remote worth the price? Thanks, Ruben cyber_ruben@yahoo.com
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