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  1. I just had some AC Adapter problems. I replaced it with a Radio Shack unit and didn't work very well. Finally I went to Best Buy and bought a Recoton Universal AC Adapter Model AD-500. It's a generic model, but it comes with a voltage selector (3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9, 12V DC), includes the most commonly used plug tips for DC-powered electronic devices and ... it works fine. URL below: http://www.bestbuy.com/Detail.asp?m=1&cat=...cat=&e=11043637
  2. I bought another power adapter and returned the piece of crap to Radio Shack. Now everything works fine: the battery is charging and there is no power loss if I move the unit while connected to the AC Adptr. The funny thing is that, although Made in China (oh, well, nowadays almost everything is manufactured over there !!), it is cheaper than RShack plus it comes with different voltage settings and a set of different EIAJ plugs. For the community and whoever might be interested the URL goes below: http://www.bestbuy.com/Detail.asp?m=1&cat=...cat=&e=11043637 You might be lucky as I did and find a return (they are checked and tested) and save some extra bucks.
  3. Thank you MDX 400. Yeah, you are right! I will try to exchange the adapter first, then I will go for the cut and solder if necessary. I appreciated your explaination on the matter: it's very clear. I will let you know about the outcome.
  4. Thank you MDX 400. Yes, the voltage used by the AC adapter is 4.5 V. See, the adapter I bought is a 4.5 V. / 700 mA. The original (european) is 500 mA. I couldn't find one running on 500 mA, besides, I thought that having more "juice" it should be better. Anyhow, as you say and, as I guessed, the problem should be from the power cord down. My strong feeling is that the EIAJ, although it fits the AM-F5, doesn't make proper contact. I am not a hell of a technician when it comes on wiring etc. But here goes one question: what if I cut a segment of the power cord with the EIAJ off the european adapter and sold it to the new one ? How would I know the polarity? On the Radio Shack adapter the wires of the power cord are both white. Which one would be which? I would like to try, if possible, the above solution. The travel transformer thing it would be too complicate and expensive, because I would need a transformer that convert from 120 ACV to 230 ACV to use the original adapter.
  5. This Mini Disc was given to me as a gift and sent from Europe. It came with its own original Power Adapter, but, being for the European use (240V. 50Hz), it's useless for me living in US. I bought at Radio Shack another Power Adapter (RadioShack brand). Everything is OK: Voltage, mA and polarity. It works, but, depending how I lay down the AM-F5, the power arrives discontinued and the Li-ion LIB-902 battery won't charge. You know that the power Adapter comes with an universal plug at the end. Then you have to find the plug with the right fit for the device and insert it into the universal plug. So my guess is that the problem lays in the Pwr. Adpter. Do you have any idea where I could turn to find an original one? I looked around and got frustrated. The part number should be Aiwa AC-D401. All help will be very much appreciated. Thanx.
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