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    Metal, Computers, Hacking, MD, Chobits ^_^, Japan, BeOS


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    No way!

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  1. Guys, don't know how to say this, but Im shocked!!! There, starting from the clumsy MD NewB, then submitted my hack, at an almost light-speed rate, i was a a star. A 5 minute one i might say . After some time passed, i got my MD trashed in an accident, and left this forum. Then, by a mistake i go back here. And what do I find?? Here we are! April 2003 AD, ppl are still working on this hack!! I am short-wordly AMAZED! I didn't even dream of having so extesive works on this. Even though the old squad has gone, i see some fresh meat here, that still is discovering new stuff about thier MD's. And i guess that was my aim from the beggining. To make ppl start exploring&exploiting thier MD's to the limit's! CPU overclocking, GPU modding, eveything like that was common when I started out. I was hoping to do the same for the MD world. Now i see my work has not gone in vain. All I can say now is there are tears going through my eyes. Tears of proud. I cannot express how thankfull I am to all the ppl who made this possible. Thank you all. May MD's be with you. M0V1
  2. M0V1

    Piotr Maksymiuk!!!

    Don't worry, the guy was just dearly looking for me. Don't know yet Why, but it was thx to Chris that kept the post up. Tommorrow im getting cable i-net, so ill be in contact DAILY in this forum. ANyway, the guy doesn't know english so he wrote in my native language. Sorry for the trouble. See ya tommorrow. BTW does anyone use BeShare? I mean the filesharing program in BeOS? If you do you'll be able to catch me there tommorrow, almost all night. See ya!
  3. To all that care: I am FORCED to stop my hacking research for a indefinite period of time. You probably wonder why this happened. No, I didn't get a mail from Sony or something, it's less complicated. Yesterday, somebody at scholl just slammed the door right onto my face. Fixing my nose, thought it was nothing special, but when i turned my MD on, something didn't sound right about my SOUND settings. So i took it out of the pouch and discovered the brutal truth. My LCD display got SHADDERED when i got hit. Yes,yes i cannot see anything on the display now, and i can't conitnue. IN here (poland) the part will cost me about 150 Euro, and that's almost the price, i'll pay for the new one. Unfortunately, i don't have the money for any of those. As far as I know, the remote doesn't display anything when in service mode, so i can't use that, but if I'm wrong please correct me. I don't know if i'll ever have a new one. So as for now, It's all up to you guys, that have been supporting and giving your share to the project. I hope you will pass on the torch... As for people that can ask me questions, ill still be more than happy to answer those, but I won't post any new foundings, simply because there will be none. Maybe in some future time when i get a n707 or the new generation of that line Hope you will undestand... Sincerely M0V1
  4. M0V1

    Tech Guide

    As for explaining service mode, Im up to it, and Im done with r700, except for a couple which Im waiting on a couple of friends to help me. As for the N707 service mode- Im waiting on Eric to send me one, but he doesn't seem to respond to my mail. Anybody have contact with him??
  5. Funny, but I'm only 16. I bought my MD r700 12.3.2001 (my Birthday!) and from the beggining I knew THERE'S A WAY. The truth is out there... :mrgreen:
  6. Value 424 you say? Tell me the name of it, maybe ill be able to help you with that one. To get the name of the function, go to it, and pres enter a bunch of times, it should display it in the dot matrix screen... Then mail me or post it on the forum. Im smelling a flashback from my problem....
  7. For the past week iv'e been fighting with my MD for the last thing that isn't in my hack- The Date/Time stamp. ANYONE, I BEG YOU, HELP PLEASE! If anyone has a 900 or similar, please, can you give me ALL your values from master functions 0,5,6,8 and 9. Until I don't have that, i don't think the hack is finished. Also can anyone try out what does the value 0 64 (SysFlg- clearly stands for System flag) do and what value does it have on a 900 or similar. Hope i can get some reply. Please, people with 900 and so on, I think the people that have lower models wil be forever thankfull for this. With regards M0V1
  8. Yes, I AM ACTUALLY MAPPING EVERYTHING in the service mode as we speak. There are no manuals whatsoever that do this, so I'm on my own. I still have a couple of things to crack. If anyone knows what does the Japanese word -Keisu mean, please mail me.
  9. About the previous post about the G protection: The G protection is handled internally in the CMOS and it is impossible to change the routine. That would also need a software re-write, and I think i told everybody what that means on the R series. iN the N series however, there is a software uploader, but people from OpenNMD are playing with those, so ill just wait for them, unless i find something VERY interesting.
  10. OK, I know that MOST people broke the N series, but still, this guide is not only for people that broke it doing my hack, but for ANYTHING that they messed up in the service mode (while for example playing around). About the NetMD- it's on it's way as we speak. I hope the mail service won't mess-up anything... And about the values that another guy is proposing in an another thread of the forum: Sure, they'll work, since the numbers are in ascending order, and os are the functions. I gave you gouys those values, because they give the most functions, but if somebody want's less, because he doesn't like some, go ahead-They'll work perfectly.
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