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Everything posted by ludde

  1. I´m 18. Got my first one at the age of 12.. 6 wounderful years of MD using behind me.. Bought my MZ-R50 when it was brand new... Cheers,
  2. No, thats defenitly not normal. A friends of mine have hade almost every problem you can have with his N707 and he haven't heard of this. Check that everything is properly connected one more time, then if you can trie another charger. If that dosn't work buy a new battery. Also try charging the batery in another unit if possible. Otherwise I think you're doomed to Sony Service if no one else have any ideas!. Hopefully you got some sort of warrenty.. Good luck!
  3. Have you tried patching Simple Burner? There is a patch avalible for simpleburner and if i am not mistaging, it includes a fix for some CDDB problem. I am not sure where to get it tho, maybe someone else could help. Anyone know what I´m talking about?
  4. I found no difference in responce time between SonicStage and OMG. It takes a few seconds more to load Sonic than OMG, but it is defenitly worth the time in added stability. I tied to patch OMG, but that even worsend the stabillity for me...
  5. I´m not sure you understood the whole recorder / player thing. A RECORDER has the ability to put the music on the minidsc. A player only plays the mindiscs and can not record. If you don't have one allready you will have to by prerecorded minidiscs that are hard to get and very expencive. If you are new to minidisc, i woud recomend sonys units since they are the easy to lern and hard to break (At leasat acording to my experince) Since I doubt you have a recorder since you say this will be your first MD, I woud recomend Sony MZ-N707 NetMD.
  6. I found SonicStage more stable on my machine. That´s pretty much all the advantages i found.. I think you shoud only use SonicStage if OMG craches contantly or you really hate the interface..
  7. My friends N707 chargers NIMH without any problems. Check underneath, I think it says "Ni-MH/Ni-Cd charger" or something like that.
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