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  1. Thanks to all who made comments on the paper. I have attached the near-final version. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. http://www.parislynnalex.com/MD/Mini%20Dis...isc%20Paper.pdf
  2. Taking any and all criticism; it is valued highly by me. Debated putting it up there, as all that is in there is a framework for the information; I dont want to bog down the board with hourly postings; the next version will include the analysis of technology against academic models of innovation. Again, greatly appreciated.
  3. I truly appreciate the insight. My focus here is on the innovative, specifically the disruptive technology aspects of the MiniDisc. From a classic disruptive technology standpoint, the Xitel device could be thought of as disruptive, while the Xitel at the time allowed the device to record MDs. This ability to transfer music from the PC to the MD was imitated by Sony with the NetMD technology. The global perspective is a point well taken. The demand for the device in Japan was driven by network effects (more folks had them) and Japan market more willing to pay a premium for miniturization. The paper is progressing. An early draft is attached for those interested. I have the Excel files used to generate the tables and graphs if anyone wants them. Thanks again. http://www.parislynnalex.com/MD/Mini%20Dis...%20_120502_.pdf
  4. All - Brand new to the board, but not new to MD. I am in the process of writing a MBA paper in a technology and innovation management class on innovation and the MiniDisc. I have found all the resources on this site very useful. Very high-level The rough outline is as follows; Intro - History of MD/Paper will address static and dynamic models of innovation and how evaluates Sony's level of success relative to this. Technology - Talk to MO technology/ATRAC/NetMD... Innovation Models (Static) Teece (Dynamic) Demonstrate that MD was truly innovative (i.e. had less functionality out of the gate for more money, but caught up) Analysis - The Xitel device likely saved Sony, and THAT innovation was important. I will post a public link to the paper when finished, and if folks are interested, during its process. Some of the information I have gathered may be of interest to other researchers. Please let me know your thoughts or ideas you might have. Thanks in advance.
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