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  • ATRAC Devices

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. So here is the scoop... I have been a MD fan since my Sharp '97 MD-X3....This thing still runs like a champ. Then I went portable with my Sharp MD-MS702...i have been to hell and back with this thing. Recently (less then 5 days) i got my Sony MZ-N10, and again I am rocking MD like nothing else....BUT then there is this iHP-100. I had seen the iHP-100 before this talk on the english iriver page, but it didnt grab me because its was not in the US. However now that we are days from it making its mark in the US I am left wondering if I have made a mistake. I use my Md for all it has to offer. I take along mixes of song i like. I use it to record auditions of musicans. I tape live shows. I use it as a sampler. It helps my write my songs. Its so small. My musican friends have them and its not a problem sharing my music. MD is a all around good tool for me but would the iHP-100 be a better choice? Can you guys help me out on this one? What are the pros and cons? I would love to stay true to MD but.... thanks, Phase
  2. I was wondering what you guys are using to hold your Md. I am looking for a hard case for my new N10. I have seen all the stuff on the equipment browser and the only thing i kind of like is that sony hard case...but i cant find who sells it. The Goldies MDS-12 Traveler looks cool as well. Also wondering what kind of bag do you throw all your stuff into (Md player, blanks, digital camera, palm, cell....).....any sugestions? Phase
  3. very interested in the MDX66XLP. Where are these items at? thanks, matt iceekid@pacbell.net
  4. Phase

    MD Trading

    Hey you guys still md trading? I used to do it and want to get back into trading. Looking for some good funk and soul. thanks, matt
  5. So where are the good deals at? I looked on froogle.com and came up with $354.00 for a mz-n10....good deal?...at AAAPrice.com...any good or bad news about them? Or should i just wait....but for what..and when? Well if you guys have good hook-ups please share. -phase
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