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  1. What I know is, once you transfer song into MD using your USB cable (using OpenMG or SonicStage) you can not delete the song in the disc except Check-In. MAYBE this method is usefull to clean your disc if something happen to the pc just like what is happening to 'baptist'.
  2. That mean you need a sparepart! I have one front panel for MZN-505 (light blue) if you really want it I can sell it to you but please tell me your position. Email me directly if you wanna some explaination how I get get the sparepart. I have a lot of MD spare part including some working 707 pcb.
  3. Go to this post http://forums.minidisc.org/viewtopic.php?t=830 I just found this out from my friend (inside sony). I just tried to revive my jammed disc and it works. Maybe this method is also usefull to format NetMD recording track?
  4. Open your Back Lid. Find the test mode point and solder it (just near the -ve terminal and MiCon) make it short. Put the batt in and you will have service mode without doing the button pressing to go into service mode. Now map your button (what button change to what). follow the samething just like you hack you MD for the first time. Go to step 061 enter FE and go to step 062 enter 7B. After that remove the batt and desolder the test mode solder. Good Luck!
  5. Here were the cure! I have just the same problem (formatting minidisc) and ask some of my friends inside Sony Manuf. U can try this. Go into service mode by doing this (slide the hold button make it HOLD) (while pressing -vol,) press (>)(>)(<)(<)(>)(<)(>)(<)(pause)(pause) You can see Ver Bla! Bla! then press (>) once you can see (manual 000) press (+vol) five time until you see (AutCom 500) press (enter) you can see (Access 510) press (enter) you can see (XXXXCC 511) press (>) seven time you can see (XXXS03 518) press (-vol) until (XXXS03 518) become (XXXS00) insert the disc and press (pause) You will here some mechanism noise and DONE! The disc is formatted like new (BLANKDISC)! After that just remove the battery I just try this but maybe some expert can add some safety precaution/advise here? For expert just go to STEP 518 then step down (-vol key) XXXS03 to XXXS00 and press pause! The disc will be formatted. FYI, I'm doing this with My MZ-N710
  6. How about your MZ-N10 61=XXXXXX ,62=XXXXXX F-code?
  7. Any info about MZ-N710 yet? I have check it and the original code is; 061=XXXS20 062=XXXS64 Actually I already try to adjust some code (firmware ver1.2) and my unit become crazy. Luckily I wrote the original code and put it back.
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