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Everything posted by lethalquiksands

  1. the ones that have these features and sell in the USA are the MZ-N10 and MZ-NF810CK
  2. Is the tuner remote for the MZ-NF810CK backlit?
  3. Does anyone know why the MZ-N10 can be sold so cheaply ($50~$70 off regular price) in stores of Yahoo! shopping and stores like www.etronics.com ? Is there something wrong with the unit? Has anyone ever bought MD units from these stores? Can these stores be trusted?
  4. Is it possible to put kanji/chinese letters on the MZ-N10 US model?
  5. Which has better quality sound? ~ minidisc in LP4 mode or MP3?
  6. I think that the MZ-NF810CK will replace the MZ-N707, although it is slightly more expensive and better quality.
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