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    Music, electronics and computers.

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  1. What's the difference in Type R and Type S? My Sony MZ-N505 has Type R, is that good? If you're willing to explain it to me, don't be afraid to use technical terms, I'm a big boy //Foxfire
  2. My suggestion is that you buy a cheaper MD first, in case you discovers that MD is not for you. If you want to record, you could buy the Sony MZ-N710, which is able to record.
  3. MD might be very bad in recording and the hazzle around it, but the simlicity in just record a CD to the MD from your home Hi-Fi and then listen to it anywhere, should NOT be forgotten! If you're like me, just want to listen to some music, I only say; hurray for MD! 2-3 CD's on one MD in LP2, and the discs are small. It works just fine for simple users as me.
  4. I think you're the kind of person Sony do their design for, 'cause you seesm to like their new design series =) I'm more retro (if that's the right term). I like the models around the MZ-E91: space and stylish. I don't hate the new designs of MD's, hell no! I just think the older ones was more good-looking. But hey, who am I to say?! I have the MZ-N505/S (economic issues)!
  5. I got inspired by LI's discussion at NetMD about design on Sony MZ-N1 and MZ-N10: http://forums.minidisc.org/viewtopic.php?t=1077 What protable MD do you think has/had the best design? Non-depending on brand or whether it's a recorder or player. I thinks Sony and Aiwa has the best design team. Though, it seems that Sony makes more and more uglier MD's each time a new series comes out. Me myself thinks the Aiwa AM-NX1 and the Sony MZ-E90 have the best design. Aiwa AM-NX1 Sony MZ-E90 (pictures are taken from ' target='_blank'>http://www.minidisc.org/)
  6. I used OpenMG once (hated it), so I tried RealOne to transfeer songs to my MZ-N505. This way I can change from time to time whether I want to record the songs in SP, LP2 or LP4 each time I record a MD. But isn't it quite stupid of Sony to make RealOne compatible with NetMD? //Foxfire
  7. I used Simple Burner to record two discs to a MD, but the quality of it was bad. I used LP2. The recordings sound like the CD's bad, like an CD-player without ESP. Our CD-ROM is very fast, could that be it? Should I use our CD-burner to read from instead? Or is Simple Burner just a bad software? //Foxfire
  8. If I want these 54 hours of play-time. can I buy these? http://www.scandinavianphoto.se/large_img/7350041.jpg
  9. What I've seen here, OpenMG seems to be a very bad program for transfeers. I don't own a MD yet (ordered one a few days ago), so, is there any other software to use, where I can check-out songs how many time I want, or just a better one? //Foxfire
  10. I have a question about the N505: With the battery supplied, can I play for 56 hours? And if I need another battery, which? And the earphones that come iwth; are they that kind that you have one in your ear, and to the other there's a line to the other? And one more thing; a 80 minutes disc can take up to 320 minutes of music, but how much does a 74 minuted disc take? //Foxfire
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