Hi. I have had a Sony MZ-R55 for years and it is starting malfunction now, so I am interested in buying a new recorder. I was hoping to get some advice from some people who are up to date on all of the specs and quirks of the current machines.
I like to use my recorder to record live concerts, mostly bluegrass and jazz, and usually in a small to medium sized venues (eg. small clubs to theaters, but not stadium-style shows). I am a musician so I like to transfer data from my MDs to my computer so I can slow the music down and learn new tunes. Also, I like to make CD copies of my MDs for myself and my friends. Here are the features that I am looking for:
1. High quality sound
2. Stereo Mic input
3. Mic sensitivity and record-level adjustment
4. Track editing (add/remove track mark, etc...)
5. Long battery life (currently I have to replace 2 AA's between sets to make sure I get an entire show :evil: )
6. Optional Rechargeable battery would be nice.
7. AC Adapter
8. Remote
9. Lowest price (but not at the expense of items 1-9)
(Basically all of the features of my old unit, but 'better' if possible.)
Thanks for your help!