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Stevie D

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  1. I have Acrobat, but I hate it. The format is a complete mess, IMO. It was no excpetion when I tried to download the manual in .pdf format. Has anyone had luck getting the auto-sync function on the MD-MT 161 to put track-breaks in proplerly? If so, can you please tell me how?
  2. ...Anyone? Not even a pointer to get me started? :oops:
  3. Hi I have a Sharp MD-MT161 minidisc recorder. I'm eager to get going on it and rack up some compilations. Thing is, I moved house recently and I suspect that the box that contained the instructions was thrown on the bonfire along with a lot of other crap. Thanks to this site, I've found the manual for the MD-MT16 online in Acrobat format. However, Acrobat and I don't get on at all, so I'm hoping there's somewhere I can find it in HTML or MS Word format. Any chance of it? Failing that, the problem I'd like to sort out first is this: I've got Windows Media Player set up to reel off playlists large enough to fill 70 minutes-ish of minidisc. No worries, there. Media Player rattles the tunes off exactly how I'd like them on the minidisc. Thing is, I don't want to sit around putting in track-breaks manually. Also, when I try to use the auto-sync function, it puts track-breaks in all over the shop. Quite often the MD will put 5 or 6 track breaks in the midst of a track and fails to put one where I'd like one; between each track. So I abandoned trying to fart about with auto-sync and instead left the MD to chunter on and record the entire playlist on one track. The problem now is that the player cuts off after just over 37 minutes of recording. It would be nice if I could rig the MD up to automatically put track breaks in between each track and nowhere else, but it's not a problem if it's not possible. Frankly, I suspect that the function is not that well calibrated. No, I'd settle for having one, enormous track containing the entire playlist and then maybe put some track-breaks in once the thing's recorded and I'm listening to it afterwards. Please give your thoughts and advice on how to proceed, mighty tech-heads of the minidisc. Many thanks, Steve
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