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Everything posted by rshipley

  1. Funny you should recommend the MZ-R5ST. I bought one through ebay that should be here tomorrow. It will be my first MD unit and I'm looking forward to playing with it. Now I just need to figure out what microphone to go with, but that's another forum... Rich
  2. It is not illegal to record a conversation you are a part of (at least not in most places). I don't see why it couldn't be used as evidence either - surveilance cameras can be. Sounds like a good idea for harassment. They won't be able to deny it then. Good luck. Rich
  3. I'm looking for a portable MD recorder that would be good to use for recording all sorts of live sound (instruments, birds, cars, etc). After that, I want to be able to get the signal back out in digital form (optical or coax) for my sampler and digital multitrack. I don't need a PC hookup or long play features. It seems that the recent portable recorders don't include a digital out. The early ones do, but I don't want a noisy ATRAC chip. I guess I could buy a separate recorder and MD deck, but is there a single unit that would work for me? Thanks, Rich
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