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Everything posted by Eliazar

  1. thanks for the help! Now more units to consider. My brain is hurting, but thanks.
  2. My Sony MZ-R90 is slowly dying. The remote has long since died and the unit itself is barely hanging in there. I liked(not loved) my baby, but need now to replace/upgrade her. I assumed that the best product would be the Sony MZ-N10, but having read many of the discussions on this Board I am now hedging on what to buy. So here is my original question(to be answered by anybody that has one of the newer models listed or one they find better), should I get the Sony MZ-N1, MZ-N10, or the Sharp DR8. My wants are: 1) Excellent sound quality after recording(I do not do much live recording, just CD to MD), 2) Good to great battery life, 3) Exterior noise made by the unit(my R90 is extremely loud) 4) Would prefer NetMd, but not a deal breaker, especially since I am a Mac user.(Minidisco has a beta or homemade Mac option to try for NetMd, 5) Would prefer USA available model. As I said I really only considered the Sony, but this Board seems to favor the Sharp. Sound quality is very, very, very important. Hopefully not to take to much more of your time I also would like to know which headphones are better, Sony MDR E888 or MDR EX70. Money is not a huge problem as each unit is within my price range. Thanks in advance for the help.
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