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About snowy

  • Birthday 07/08/1989

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I added the set-up file of the .net 1.1 software into my device, so when I want to use GYM on a different computer, I can install this. Thank you, Stuge.
  2. For example: I want to upload music from another computer to my device with MP3file manager. Does that computer need the .net 1.1 software before I can upload music from that computer to my device with MP3file manager, or is this impossible and is mp3Filemanager also locked to one computer? I tried this morning to open GYM on a computer at school and it gave an error:( What went wrong? It just said that the .exe file could not be opened. So I think GYM needs the .net 1.1 software before it is able to work, isn't it? mp3file manager would not open either. There was no error it just didn't open. Thanks in advance:)
  3. I have been using GYM for a week now and I am finally allowed to be proud on my HD5. I just have one question. If i want to upload music from another computer to my device, is the .net 1.1 software required on that computer before you are allowed to use GYM? Congratulations with your software, great job.
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