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  1. To Leland, Dark and anyone else who was offended. apologies if anyone was offended by my remark, misjudgement on my behalf. sorry...
  2. well after a few tests I can confirm that the AUDIO OUT setting makes a difference between headphones & line out. Line out producing a much cleaner, louder an crisp sound. Cant say I can notice any difference on the MIC sens as yet, but then Im using a crappy Compaq PC mic from work. I'd like to know if anyone has tested this using a quality mic and how it compares on a n707 and to a n1 like the jap text option, def. adds to the funk !! anyway, big up yourself to all that have contributed to the hack and other usefull info posted here. Its taken me time to get into MD, but hopefully I'll be able to pay some back in the near future...
  3. OK, N707 hack'd, all appears OK, noticed thing on PGM, it appears to work (lowered the speed via RM-MC10L remote) and saved setting. Let the MD go to sleep, played and setting remained. BUT, when i remove disk and insert again to play, setting is lost. So looks like the capability to carry out the function is there, but the MD cant then remeber/recognise the settings of the disc... oh, this is on ver. 1.400 if that helps anyone got it working ????
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