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Everything posted by lightid

  1. :shock: i think the topic is "analog" &"optical",but we were all discussing the "digital",so we all ignored D/O(digital to optical)&O/D,the siginal would be weakened when this change happened,although it also sounds like the digital recording,but it got worse than the digital.the really digital recoed is just in decks.
  2. hi,buddies.could any one tell me what about sony's service after selling it's products to youin ur contry,as us,and european countrisand others? is there anyone's portable md's remote(sony) often have some problems recently? i see a lot people had these problems,esp for the new generation remote,such like n10'rm33l. what about ur situations?if it realy take problems,how about sony 's service? or if that problem is coused by sony's design,will sony call back all his remotes,and pay for costumers'damnify??will it??
  3. :roll: hi ,everyone here.there are too many new hd mp3 come to us recently.such like the creative zen 60G,and ipod 30G,although they still have a lot of disadvantages,but it seems that more and more people get the idear that hd mp3 will finally take MD's place. i donnot so agree with that ,could any one talk about ur idear?
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