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Everything posted by liquidgeforce

  1. but still, why wouldnt i just keep burning cd's and using a regular cd player? it holds the same amount of music as a md player, especially if i get one with mp3 capabilities........? i just dont wanna spend my money ion the wrong thing, ru happy with ur minidisc player??
  2. thanx alot for all ur guys's help, but im still undecided, lol, only because my miond keeps going back to the fatct that i have to buy more minidiscs if i go with the minidi=sc player? and what if like minidiscs go the way of beta tapes and they stop selling discs? i would really like a minidisc player, but i dont want to have to buy alot of minidiscs, i know their rewritable...but, idk. if i weanted to keep buying discs, id keep my cd player and just bourn myslef cd's ya know what im sayin??
  3. ok, ive been reading froums comparing minidiscs to mp3 players, ppl say that minidiscs r better cause they hold more music. the thing is though i was looking at buying an mp3 player that holds 20gb of music, its 150.00. i was looking to spend about that much....so what should i do? buiy a minidisc polayer for that much, wich i will need to buy more minidiscs for (with the mp3 player i wouldnt have to buy nething after its initial purchase) ior buy the mp3 player?? i have about 900 songs on my computer, and im looking to sopend about $150. thanx for the help, btw, can u tell me at least one advantage of buiying th minidisc player over the mp3 player??please?
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