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  1. My only indications are that, having been given the old "low battery" warning, I attach the battery pack...after several hours if I remove it I have some juice in the internal battery. That would suggest to me that recharging is occuring.....no? Macros
  2. Hello all, I'm loving my new MZ-N10 EXCEPT the battery life is VERY disappointing...as has been said several times already. now I don't mind using the battery pack......but I'd like to leave it the svelte little thing it is for as long as possible before using the add-on (also the battery pack seems to begin to recharge the internal battery...will this shorten my batteries life?) Would it be possible to put a higher level battery in the machine to subsitute for the included.....or is there nothing out there like that....yet? Thanks, Macros
  3. I haven't been able to test if my battery drains when not in use but my battery life is attrocious. I LOVE my unit in every other way.....but my old R700 with 1500 NIMH rechargable batteries kicked it's ass. I'd say I'm right around 10-12 hours of use for battery life. I wonder if it is possible to buy a higher grade rechargable that will work in this unit.... Macros
  4. Hello All, I just thought I'd let you know the results of my little experiment. First of all I'd like to thank David for responding to my inquiry. Anyhow, I removed all the purient screw and exposed the mainboard and then I hit a major issue.....I couldn't figure out how to expose the inside of the mainboard because the circuit ribbons seemed to make such an exposure impossible....and looking at the soddering on the ribbons I felt reattaching those would be beyond my ability. So my answer was this. While it was open I noticed that when the jack was pressed down very slightly all problems went away. So I wedged a tiny piece of paper into the joint there with a little superglue...and voila! My headphones now sound amazing So when technical knowledge fails fall back on ingenuity. This is a subject that I do find very interesting though. David...would you, or anyone else, be interested in starting a portion of the webpage for those who want to learn something about taking apart and reassembling these badboys? I wasn't able to find anything about it online....but I think, given how fragiile these things are and how expensive they are to fix, that most people are in my boat.....i.e. you may as well try to fix it because it isn't worth it to send it off to be repaired. I DID notice while I was in there how far the quality has been reduced since the days of my R-70...which was pretty solid inside and out. Anyhow, thanks for all of your help. Mark Campbell
  5. Thanks for the response Dal...I went to RadioShack and got the soddering iron and the sodder....I'm going to attempt this badboy...YIPES. I really think it is just a loose sodder joint (the sound is beautiful most of the time...but if you wiggle the port at all the sound starts to fizzle. If anyone has any last minute advice I'd love to hear it...I won't be doing this til later tonight. Thanks for the help. Mark
  6. This is sort of what I thought...thanks for the response. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of repair? Since it is just going to get worse I don't really have anything to lose by trying to repair this myself (since I know that Sony automatically charges $90 for repair as a minimum) If David Popovits is reading this......could you walk me through it? Is is just a matter of unscrewing everything and looking for a crack in the sodder and redoing it? Help. Thanks. Mark Campbell
  7. hello all, I'm relatively new here. I have a R700 that I've been using happily for about 6 months now. I recently bought a used R700 from someone that, after I had already gotten home, turned out to have an issue with the headphone jack. Basically the sound goes on and off BUT if you lightly press the whole thing down the sound is clean and perfect. It seems like something that would be relatively easy to fix (just putting a folder up piece of paper between the case and the actual jack fixes the problem temporarily).....I'm going to have a go at it tonight. Does anyone have any suggestions? any input would be appreciated Thanks, Mark
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