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Everything posted by just_visiting

  1. You cannot upload to your PC. You have to record it back to your PC in realtime using an analog connection.
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------- You're out of luck buddy. With NetMD, the actual MP3 does not get transfer back to your hd. All the upload feature does is it increases the check-out count, say from 2 to 3 or 1 to 2.
  3. The MD technology just gets improved in a major development. http://edition.cnn.com/2004/TECH/ptech/01/...c.ap/index.html
  4. That screen shot you put up of the option selection box in Sonic Stage was a screen shot from Mac OSX - what gives?? What software is that?? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He's using an OSX Panther skins for his PC. http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?sear...rder=Descending
  5. Get one on EBAY. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=2973992396 for less than $5 which includes shipping within America.
  6. OpenMG/Sonicstage will allow you to transfer in SP mode but a "true" SP quality. SP mode in OpenMG/Sonicstage is actually a LP2 quality.
  7. It's not that someone has not come out with the software. It's the way Sony design the new NetMD, it's a hardware lock.
  8. Since you used a mic to record therefore you CANNOT UPLOAD/check-in the tracks into OpenMG. You can only check-in files when you check-out them. You can only record them back into your PC in realtime.
  9. The only way is the way you mentioned it. There is NO UPLOAD feature with MD units.
  10. The latest MD recorder unit from Sony is the R910 NOT the N10. The N10 is an anniversary unit so it won't be replaced. The R910 will be very soon.
  11. I use realtime recording in SP mode. I buy all my cd's and don't do MP3's. I can't stand MP3 qualities that yoou get off the net.
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