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  1. So I went ahead and bought some binaural mics. I bought them with a battery box and I don't have an MD yet, I plan on getting one though. I decided to try how the mics sounded, I hooked up the mics with battery box to my computers sound card line in (Turtle Beach Santa Cruz), I jacked the recording level way up, and played an mp3 through my computer speakers. I used cool edit pro to record, when I record, the volume level is EXTREMELY low. I double checked everything, record level at max in the settings, battery box working, I even turned my computer speakers *Extremely* loud and tried to record with the mics from about 6 inches away and it was still very low here is an example: http://www.dslextreme.com/users/abaez/Unti...itled%20(2).wav The sound card works fine when I use my headphones with a mic for voice communication in games so I know it's not that. Now when I emailed the guy I bought them from, he said the mics he sells aren't made to record onto a computer and that I would need a mic pre amp to have a good recording. Now my question is if this guy is telling the truth or bsing me? I'm planning on using a minidisc to record and I would think that a computer would have more than enough power and such to record. So do you need a microphone pre amp AND battery box when recording with a minidisc at a concert? Or should the mics work without a pre amp normally? I still havent bought my MD so I can't really test it out but I would think you wouldn't need a pre amp to record.... thanks
  2. Hmmmmmmmmm the 770 looks really good too... any opinions on that vs the 722? What atrac does the 770 use I couldn't find it online...
  3. Wierd, I read it only recorded in mono. Scott offered me a good price for a 722 package. I'm torn as to get a 722 or a 702 now.
  4. Thanks scott I thought so now just gotta save up the cash.
  5. Hi, I'm looking to buy a minidisc to record live concerts. I won't be doing it often but I would like something that is of decent quality. I've narrowed it down to two things, a sharp mdms702. Which I can get used for a really really great price with all sorts of stuff. The thing is I'm reading it only records in MONO. I'm wondering if that will have any adverse affect on the quality of my recordings? I would buy a pretty good mic for it probably this one: http://www.minidisco.com/minispecs/sp-otter1.html or this one: http://www.minidisco.com/minispecs/reactiv...unds_delta.html Which one of these two is better? My other choice is to get a live recording bundle from minidisco which would include a Sharp MD-MT200 and one of the above two mics (or a mic from stealthaudio.net which ive read good stuff about on these forums.) That one would cost quite a bit more (about 100$) than buying the used MDMS702. I'm wondering if the MONO recording sound quality difference is bad enough to justify spending 100$ more on the MT200? Is there a work around maybe if you record only in mono to get it to sound stereo? Thanks for all your help.
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