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Everything posted by PetersReviews

  1. Yeah, me too. I want the 810. I've been checking the www.sonystyle.com site since they should have them before most stores. C'mon Sony, lets get them out there. Come to think of it, I wish Sharp could get their MD players into most stores.
  2. Hello everyone, Does anyone know when the new Sony MD models like the MZ-NF810CK will be released? I'm not sure if I have the patience to wait after my MZ-R700 just died. I just wish that there were more places around to find other brands of MD players.
  3. I've been checking out the replacements for the 707 and the MZ-N510CK (not available yet, but soon) seems close except for no mic input. This is a sucky time for Sony MDs since they're dumping all the old stock and releasing the new line (which isn't out yet). If you really loved your 707, you might be able to find a replacement for cheap when stores blow them out. I'm looking for one! I have no idea when the new line will be released. Check out www.sonystyle.com for all the new models. Beware of second hand models. Since I use my MDs so much I always get an extended warranty. My old MZ-R700 just broke and the warranty gives me back the full price toward a new one!
  4. I do a lot of live recording and I've been looking for a new MD to replace my Sony MZR700. One thing that really sucks is that the only MDs available in most stores are the Sony models. They've also just discontinued a lot of their models so be sure to check out www.sonystyle.com to make sure that they even have a mic input. Most inexpensive MDs are doing away with mic inputs and sometimes line inputs too (both needed for most recording). I highly recommend getting an extended warranty if you plan on using it a lot. My MD (which just broke) is getting sent in and I'm getting the full amount $225 back to put on a new MD. This is definitely worth the $25 I spent for the warranty. If you don't want an extended warranty, check out some online stores like www.minidisco.com. They have Sharp and other brands. Hope this helps. Personally, I'm waiting for the new Sony model to be introduced so I can get the AM/FM radio built in. P.S. You'll find a lot of anti-Sony stuff here. Yeah, Sony isn't is as good but it's all I can find right now... Ah the days when my old Sharp was working. :cry:
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