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  1. when I normally put my MD player on the docking stand it shows charging on the screen when its not playing or recording. The screen now shows up blank and the in built battery doesnt charge. Is this likely to be just a failed battery? The battery isa long flat shape like a small stick of chewing gum!
  2. Your avitar is very apt! Thanks a lot Sony! if you think of anything............
  3. Is there any other ways I can overcome this prob? Im not sure about permissions setting in XP
  4. I called them and the guy said it does exactly what it says in the manual. Sure enough on page 93 there it is. " you have to log in as admin or power user to use the software" I told him this was outrageous and he was quite abrupt. You should be able to run software as a user. I tried right clicking on the sonic stage folder and making it shared but it still doesnt work. I asked the guy what do I do to prevent my kid messing my pc up now he has admin rights and he wasnt interested :x
  5. I have a sony minidisc MZ-N710. I have loaded the standard ATRAC software onto my windows XP PC. I am administrator and my kids are users. The problem is the software wont run in a user invironment, only an administrator environment. I do not want my kids to have admin rights on the PC How do I st up permissions on my PC so I can overcome this
  6. Can anyone help a complete minidisk rookie? My son is after one for his birthday. The Sony that he likes is the MZ N505 He wants to be able to record from downloaded mp3s and by ripping tracks from existing CDs I am familiar with burning music cds from mp3s using nero. this converts mp3s to wav files in the process. With minidisks is the process of transferring files from the PC to the minidisk purely copying or is there a burning process which converts the mp3s to wav? How is the minidisk connected to the PC? By USB? Is the information transferred by this method or what requirements does my PC need?. Next question. This model is on sale for about £150 in the UK and yet I see the same model on sale on the internet in the USA for a lot less. I eralise that in the uSA the voltage is 110v and in the uK its 240v I guess the unit will have a power adaptor with two pin socket entry. In the main the unit will be used with batteries only but to connect to the mains could I buy a power adaptor in the UK for it? If thisis the wrong subject for this forum please advise where I should re post it
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