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Eric The Red

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  1. If, however you have an external amplifier with a phono stage, connect your turntable to that, but then ONLY if you're sure your turntable isn't amplified itself. Hmmmm....I'll check into that KJ ... I think that may be the problem. The external amp I'm using now doesn't have a phono input, just an "Audio Source" input which I'm using for the phono. The turntable was bought in the mid eighties and the amp is from the mid to late 90's (well after turntables were "out"). Eric
  2. Well, after several years of disuse, I can't seem to get quality sound from my old record player. Here's my problem. I have it plugged into my stereo system. Its been there for years, dusty, but seems to be working great. Record spins up to speed, and I can hear it playing fine, just no volume. I have to crank my volume WAY up to hear it. And what I do hear is no better in volume than if I simply put my ear next to the player itself. :?: :?: :evil: :evil: Anybody got some tips or can point me to a forum that can help? I've got a lot of great vinyl I want to get onto MD.....
  3. I thought I had found an even simpler version than Dino's. I came across a program called CD Anywhere that allows you to create virtual CD Drive and then mount an image in it. I just got my MD Rcorder today from my local Sony outlet....I downloaded a shareware version of Nero my company has on our ftp site, but it did not include the ImageDrive software... So I went looking to purchase Nero, couldn't find it and ended up with this program. I thought it would be the solution. A few simple points and clicks and I had created a virtual CD Drive with a mounted image...no lengthy burn process...I simply mounted it and started Simple Burn....it took it a little while, but it eventually picked up the virtual drive and recognized seven tracks. I sent it to my MD Recorder (I picked up the MZ-S1 model) and it seemed to record it. But, in playback I had nothing but seven empty tracks....I'm not sure why it didn't work.... SOooooo....now I'm downloading the Nero version from the Polaroid site (It's nice having DSL ) I'm going to continue playing witht his CD Anywhere...it should work and i don't understand why it didn't......
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