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Everything posted by bauer

  1. bauer

    MD on Airplanes

    The Federal Aviation Administration, citing Federal Aviation Regulations, bans the use of all portable electronic devices-excluding pacemakers, hearing aids and the like-on aircraft during taxi, departure and landing if the plane is operating at less than 10,000 feet in altitude. And one company, MegaWave Corp., has developed a technology that could recognize if wireless devices are operating on a plane, and even locate the suspected user.
  2. I have read a review from a Japanese website that the remote of the MZN10 is the 'right way up' when worn unlike older models which were the 'wrong way round'so that the text can be read easily. Is this so and if so could someone please tell me if the remote of the MZN910 is the 'right way up' too. I am deciding between the two and would like to know this before i buy. Thank you in advance for aid. David.
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