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Tiny Wings

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  1. I'm guessing it's 255 characters.
  2. But no one has SOnic Stage 1.5 JPN version? I'm sure there are people out there who have it! ;_;
  3. I'm just wondering, are you using NJStar to do this, if so, this is probably why. 鬼塚ちひろ - 月光 (Onitsuka Chihiro - Gekkou).. As I am using a native japanese os, perhaps this is the reason for the difference.
  4. Nope, didn't fix it, but I did get the japanese naming (half-sized katakana to work in single-byte in SonicStage) after using the registry.
  5. I was using the latest one that I downloaded from your website, I'm using Windows XP, and I can type japanese/chinese fine via the Japanese Input Method (not internet IME) in notepad.
  6. I tried your software, but for some reason it doesn't allow me to direct input the names in japanese, comes up as question marks (in single and multi)
  7. BTW, is it possible for the US Domestic to display Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji and/or Chinese Big 5 or does only the japanese one support it or do I just need to switch to a remote with 2 lines?
  8. Yes yes, I know, everyone ELSE wants the english version, I need the japanese version of SonicStage 1.5, if anyone can please give me a url to where to download it or if you have it, I also have an FTP for you guys to upload to. Please help me out since a lot of my file names are in japanese, and it's just easier this way (non-import MZ-N10).
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