oh well guys we lived the dream before other people had any clue. 79p for one song from iTunes or why not just got to your local library (in the UK at least) and get a whole album for £2. Slip it on to MD (your £2 pays a copyright royalty so its not SO bad), sorted. Or what about people talking about "Podcasting"? Well, these people would be at the dawn of a new age....if it wasnt for me using Streambox to do exactly the same thing and transfer BBC radio to my MD, ages ago. We did it our way....(is that the sound of frank sinatra turning in his grave?) Incidently i went to a friends house at the weekend, he is a massive music fan and of course he has an iPod. But here's his set up: He's plugged an iTrip into his iPod and tuned his minisystem into the radio frequency it transmits on. So here we have the biggest music fan i know listening to 128kbs mp3s over fm on a mini system. Is this the bright future? full rate SP on my seperates set up still sounds absolutely amazing. One more thing: With MD dying i managed to pick up an mz-nh1 top range hi-md for....£90 from John Lewis. Jim (still keeping it MD).