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Everything posted by bluecrab

  1. The deck is heavy, yes. It feels heavier than the 7.5 kg it is listed as weighing. I thought it would all add up to a bit less...in fact, somehow the total shipping cost kept increasing as the process evolved. And the deck, supposedly in A-1 condition, had to be repaired to work properly. (That was done with help from these quarters and elsewhere.) I wasn't really complaining about it, though, just answering the question. You don't see very many JA22ESs around here!
  2. Philippe: I do have an excellent DAC (a Musical Fidelity V-90). For various reasons right now, I have the E-10 > JA22ES set up like that. The question, as you note, is really about the technical issue noted. Thanks for the suggestion!
  3. So sorry...I just saw this. I was able to retrieve all the info. The deck was 256 USD. Shipping and fees were 177 USD. Here's the breakdown, from an email Buyee sent me: [Total Shipping Cost] US$177.84 (19,100yen) ------------------------------------------- [Fee Breakdown] <Domestic Shipping Fee (From seller to Buyee)> 1,400yen <Consumption Tax> 0yen <International Shipping Fee (From Buyee to your address)> 16,200yen <Package Consolidation Fee> 0yen <Protective Packaging Fee> 1,500yen ※The paid amount is calculated from the USD-JPY exchange rate at the time of the payment.
  4. I apologize in advance for asking this, but since the issue was raised elsewhere and I have reached the limit of my technical perception of it, I'd like to see an authoritative answer, if there's one out there. To summarize: I am using my JA22ES as a DAC for my MDS-E10, using the E10 to playback LP2. Optical to optical. To me, this seems fairly straightforward and appropriate, as the 22ES's DAC is far better than the E10's. However, it was suggested to me that, "So in other words you are digitally reprocessing an already digitally reprocessed recording of ATRAC compression scheme. This might help an LP2 recorded disc possibly sound better. Not sure but you may hear some strange artifacts at times doing it this way." There was further discussion that really didn't advance the issue. The further discussion included "in other words your DAC is seeing 2 times DSP and 2 times ATRAC compression." What, if anything, am I missing? Is my perception that the signal received by the 22ES's DAC—or any other DAC external to the E10—the same as the signal that the E10's DAC would process, incorrect? Thanks in advance.
  5. That's correct. That's much too recent. Last known compatibility was either 10.5 or 10.6. If I were inclined to use SS, I'd go with either a VM on Mac or just use Windows, as I have both. I gave it a try, but for various reasons decided to not use SS. Good luck with whatever path you follow!
  6. Here's what there is for Mac: https://www.sony.co.uk/electronics/support/downloads/Z0005379 This has been reported, though, to not work on current MacOS or any versions near-current. And it's for Hi-MD only. Some Mac users have worked around the SS Windows-only restriction by running a Windows VM on current MacOS, with success.
  7. No reason to not use the N10. The Type S does not affect recording, though—only affect playback of LP modes. Or, give the N505 a try and see if you notice any difference. I have recently noticed recording diffs between decks where the decks were all Type R...but note well that that was in ANALOG rec. mode. I think you're all set with either unit so long as you're keeping things digital.
  8. Sorry. Don't know what I could have been thinking. The really, really weird part is that I was looking right at that linked page when I said what I said. I'm embarrassed but will persevere anyway. And actually, not all Type R recorders record equally well. I have proof! :-) Thanks for pointing that out, Stephen...I should just be quiet when it comes to questions about portables.
  9. Do you mean N510? N1? (There is no N10.) These are both Type R and should give you similar recording quality, I'd think. The 510 is actually Type S, but that doesn't affect recording. See minidisc.org for more detail.
  10. Although I was never a big fan of the S1's "look and feel," it is a full-featured unit whose SQ will not disappoint you. Mine has disappeared somehow, somewhere in my house. COngrats and good luck with the unit!
  11. For sale: 2 portables for sale. I will sell them as a pair for $75 USD or singly for $40 each. That includes shipping via USPS to conUS...add $5 for Canada. Here's what you get: One MZ-R37SP (with 4.5v adaptor and RM-MC21 remote; One MZ-R500 (with 3.0v adaptor—not sure if origi. but works!). All in Good Working Condition. See photos. PM me if interested. Thanks!
  12. For Sale: TWO MD portables (+ bonus portable CDP) for the price of one: 49 USD + ship. MZ-N510 & MZ-R500. N510 is perfect and includes 3V converter, RM-MC11EL remote, USB cable, earbuds, and OpenMG/Simple Burner 2.3 CD. Great for NetMD/SS. I have that pictures tell most of the story, but the 1.95MB size restriction prevents me from including, even if I zip them. They are all around 3-4MB. JPG. Will be happy to send them via PM!. I have labeled the MZ-R500 as "Flaky," but I'm not sure why. It is pictured as working in the photo I took only minutes ago. I think perhaps it could have stop-and-start playback issues? The R500 works with the 3V converter. Although I cannot picture it here, I will also include one Panasonic SL-221 portable CDP (with both headphone and line out). Working when I took its pic minutes ago, but I really haven't used it in a while. Included will be 4.5V converter. I think that's everything! Will ship anywhere...cost of shipping of course determined by your location. PMing me is fine. Thanks! I would love to include the pics referred to above, This will leave me with 2 portables and 8 decks. Some of them have to go, too, but not just right now. It feels kind of weird for so much stuff to go and the MD gear is just a part of the bigger picture.
  13. If anyone could use an MXD-D40, I have an "extra" one I can now let go. The bulk of my MD gear is going to go...this is where I start. I'll post pics if anyone's interested. Thinking around 50 USD + shipping. I actually have 2 of these. (I'm not abandoning MD, just not using it as much now.)
  14. Sorry Arr, just now noticed this. International, very much so. Are you In yet?
  15. Seems a bit odd. I've never had a single ripped CD track give me a problem on any Mac, using iTunes. Maybe it is something about the Apple TV?
  16. This thread has been going on for a dozen years! I currently have 9 decks, with most of them in some kind of active use. An MXD-D400 is in a box and there were prior decks I no longer have—perhaps another six? Although I'm not actually planning on acquiring any more...never say never. Have a few portables, too...rarely used. Head units in two cars. On and on it goes :-)
  17. Thanks for the details, PhillipeC...a delight to a quasi-geek such as I. Best of luck with the project! :-)
  18. 13TB 13???I guess 5k # hi-res will do that! I have the majority of stuff in ALAC, so I'm saving much space, albeit not as much as with MD. Oddly, I think my JA20ES sounds better than the ALAC files, many of which came from CD. Doesn't really make sense (I am using a decent DAC with the ALAC), but so say my ears. I expect that 2 TB will be enough for me, so I put a 2TB SSD in my MBP Are your 13 TB external?
  19. That's exactly what I have done, using iTunes. Easier to backup. And you don't have to hack the hard drive—upgrading is straightforward. Further, even 1TB would put me in "worried about space" mode. Still, the NAC-HD1 is an attractive and standalone device....not that I am getting one, ever.
  20. I'm in the US and can record to MD from CD and some other sources. How much material will you have? You can PM me.
  21. No doubt about it, that is a seriously critical factor in sound reproduction. I notice it over and over again.
  22. Oddly enough, that is not what led me to the E10. It just happened to pop up. Its 1-rack size meant it would fit in the narrow space I had for it, and I needed LP ability there. I didn't even know that the E10 defeated SCMS and that wasn't in its doc. Someone pointed me to that menu function. Between the E10 and my HHB BurnIT, I was able to retire the SCMS-killing device I'd been using. The E10's a good recorder, but not on a par with Sony's better MD decks for playback. My JA22ES provides a good DAC for the E10, though.
  23. I have always felt that way, too; that is, pro units of any kind are likely to have been hard-used, even if taken care of well. Last year (or was it the prior year?), I was interested in but wary of an MDS-E10 that I saw on Craigslist. I figured going in to Boston and taking a look at it couldn't hurt, so I did. Smitten by the thing, I took the leap. The price wasn't too bad, the seller accepted a bit of a lower offer, and he even fixed the non-mechanical eject issue on the spot. That E10 has been working fine so far, knock wood, and it deals the death blow to SCMS. Once in a while, you get lucky! Sorry to hear of the woes with the OP's unit, though. The E10's a wonderful recorder, but somewhat in the shadow of its betters for playback. BTW, the seller was a professional musician who had transitioned from MD.
  24. Thanks! The prices on buyee certainly are in line with what I would pay. However, my prior experience there resulted in what seemed to be higher additional fees than they originally stated, and by a lot. There was also an issue with the new-looking item itself (MDS-JA22ES) that had to be resolved. With help from here and elsewhere, the problem was fixed, although likely not permanently. Perhaps that was just a one-off in terms of what to expect, but it did make me wary. It doesn't help that all the MDS-W1 units are almost 20 years old now, with no easy way to tell beforehand what each one has been through. Five years ago, I probably would have just done it and hoped for the best. Not so today. Still tempting!
  25. That's not much! Well, if I'm ever in the neighborhood... [sigh]...I was just never quite able to get my hands on one of these. A couple of deals fell through (UK and JPN). A Danish guy was going to sell me one...until I got a Danish-speaking colleague involved, who found out that the would-be seller didn't actually have the deck yet...he could get me one, he said...no thanks, I said. And then there was someone here in the US who just wanted too much $$$. The big draw for me was not so much the bit-copy ability as it was the sequential play and the two independent mechanisms. C'est la vie.
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