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  1. Hey all, I'm looking for a portable MD Recorder for recording out and about (just about everywhere). Ideally I'll be going Mic-->Mic Pre-->MD. Also, I'd like to be able to adjust the record volume of the MD on the fly (which I've heard you can't do on Sony's?). When I went to the store today, customer service dude told me this wasn't possible with the models they carried (3 net MD versions). He said those have an input but it's only for digital transfers from CD/MP3. Other stuff you should know: Long battery life while recording is essential, as is at least 16/44.1 input (16/48 is preferable, i dunno if that's available), easy marking of new tracks is important as is durability. Preferably I'd like it to come in under $200. So anyways, what model would you reccomend and where can you go to buy these (I've had problems finding them in stores). Thanks, Dave
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