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  1. well reading this thread again has sparked my intrest in labeling again, so, my first project in a while: http://e.1asphost.com/secondarrangement/vidablue.jpg i just love the monkey on the cd, so why not on the md too?
  2. yes i have printed a few, but mostly i have printed labels for school stuff (to show off). i must say that it looks almost professional.
  3. proprietry usb cable, hmmm. the d-pad in really nice on the n510, and i dont like d-pads, but it is much larger than the one on my old n505.
  4. the new sharp has actual digital output, but only on the charging cradle. although thay may have an adapter for digital output on the go.
  5. i think the md port has a chip in it that adds a header to the digital signal coming from another chip. i would try it but i dont have an md port.
  6. i got some of that avery label paper. ten bucks for 25, 8x11 sheets, not bad.
  7. i got in a while ago but now it wont work. minidisc.org stopped responding right now. this is unplesant.
  8. its true that sharpie has all those color markers but i am not a very good artish and i dont think i would be able to recreate the cover of say, "the story of the ghost" by phish
  9. scissiors are your friend. i should purchase some sticky labels for my mds, cause i have been using printer paper and glue.
  10. heres one http://members.tripod.com/mdlabels/ and im gonna uplaod the labels i have made to my site soon, and btw im the ones ill have will prolly be a bit larger than the others online cause my printer hates small pictures and makes low res stuff look fugly.
  11. there are a few. in fact i was thinking of adding a section to my website to house all my minidisc labels
  12. i mean units that can only play and download to mds but can not record real-time audio(analog/toslink).
  13. i would like to see the md downlaoders in their own section, i think that there so many of them (three) now that they should have their own section and i dont like them anyway.
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