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Everything posted by Bubb1eTea

  1. Ne One plz help me out???
  2. Bubb1eTea

    How do you?

    How do you put in multiply cds in one md on sonicstage? it keeps overriding my exisiting cd?
  3. How would I use my 610 to record radio stations from windows media player?
  4. Ok nm just figured myself and yes it works.
  5. I have a simple question concerning the 610 can I use a different headphone then the ones provided i dont really care bout the fm part of the radio.
  6. Bubb1eTea

    sony nf610

    No there is no backlit there, I got one too for very cheap that was brand new is there is no backlit.
  7. If I did use the hacks from 710 what would be the most worst scenario that can go wrong, anything major?
  8. OMG ty!! I was waiting for a reply forever!!!! , my budget was 200-230 something around there I've read alot of reviews about the s1 and have read nothing but good, and the 610 was soso hopefully they were wrong. What would you get either one of these? I dont get in contact much with water the s1 to me just looks bulkier and the ups i like about it, is that it has a backlit.
  9. I was wondering if anyone knew any hacks for the 610?
  10. Which one do you guys think is better? i pretty much want all the options battery life, fast recording speeds and the other good stuff. Also I heard that the software that comes with the md is OpenMG and they have that copyright thing, if I do get it how do I get by it? Other suggestions for other MD players are all welcome. Thx
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