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  1. PJF220

    Hi-MD, Bye-MD?

    Been a while since I have visited here. The forum has been great in the fact I learn how to use my MD recoder in more ways. I plugged it into the PC and it was a great benefit. However, I bought MD's because I saw them as a great replacement for the old cassette tape. CD quality and they don't get chewed up, losing rare music that you'd never get hold of again. However, that appeared not the case. I bought a MD headunit for the car and still have it. Some of the MD's are now skipping or getting stuck and again I am losing rare music that I will never get again. I've tried playing the MD's in the recorder, but same problem. I fear that for me, MD's are of no real benefit to me anymore, and probably millions like me, hence why MD's are dying out. It was enevitable the way technology progresses. I was going to buy an MP3 head unit for the car but I see little point of even that now. I think the MD one will stay and I will add on an iPod connection as this is a perfect way for me to carry round more music than I could ever need. I can plug it into the car, plug it into the PC and when I am out or on holiday, I can use headphones. Minidisk simply doesn't offer this in the way iPod does. I currently have to pick a limited number of MD's I want to listen to when I go away so it's not taking up too much space, Not a problem with iPod. I'm sure many will not find iPod as convenient as me, but for everyone on here, there are millions of others who have no use for MD and it's simply not financially viable for the big companies to persue an old media storage device. Face it, if these companies did stand up and listen to the fews of the devoted, cassette tapes would still be in full swing. Just my views, but thats what I think. Pete
  2. PJF220

    stuttering playbak

    I obviously go shopping with my eyes shut, lol. I will find a head and lens cleaner and give that a go but it is odd that the songs that caue the trouble used to play fine and it just happened all of a sudden which would suggest they recorded fine and something happened at a later date. Doesn't sound like it is a common fault from what I have read so lets hope it doesnt spread to other disks/songs. One thing I must try is recording over the infected song and see if it still happens. Cheers anyhow, I feel a bit better informed now.
  3. PJF220

    stuttering playbak

    I don't think it's the lens because it always stutters on the same tracks and at the same point in the tracks. This happens whether it is played on my portable unit (Sony MZ E300), the recorder (Sony MDS JE640) or even the car head unit (Pioneer). There are only three tracks on three MD's which are affected right now but they all used to play without fault and one in particular is not very old at all. I would be interested in getting a lens cleaner though as it can't be a bad idea to give them all a clean. Where would I look for one? I'm in the UK. Never seen any in the shops
  4. PJF220

    stuttering playbak

    doh, posted as a guest as I forgot to log in
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