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Daryl Rowland

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Everything posted by Daryl Rowland

  1. Daryl Rowland


    I remember seeing a link somewhere to a description of the file system on the network walkman. I'm trying to work on building a windows explorer like file manager for the NW-A1000/3000 so if anyone still has this link It'd be really useful. Also has anyone else on here written up how the file system works? Thanks for your help, -Daryl.
  2. Daryl Rowland


    I'm wondering how easy it would be to use the ML Sony library that has been created and put a "Windows Explorer" type interface on the front end of it. i.e. make it appear as My NW-A1000 in My Computer, and then you could simply browse and drag and drop like you would with any other disk drive. Would anyone else be up for starting a project to do this?
  3. Just a thought but wouldn't it be good if they did away with artist link and made the artist link button an "Add to Now Playing List" button...
  4. It'd be awesome if it was possible to make a custom firmware. I'd volunteer to help with something like that if you wanted to start it as a project. Don't know how much help I'd be though
  5. This latest firmware is definitely a huge improvement - loving the speed of access improvements - no more waiting for that damn disc to spin! But... there's still room for improvement, so I figure if Sony read these forums it might be a good idea for us to list the kinds of features we'd like to see in the next firmware version. My main feature 'wishes' are: - A "bass boost" option - most players seem to have this, and it would be really cool - Cross fading between tracks - this will probably never happen but would make the player quite distinct from iPods and would be a really neat feature - More preset sound modes - An "Add to now playing" option, so if you're listening to tracks you can add a track to the now playing list and it will get played - It would be really neat if the sound setting would change depending on the genre of the track being played, i.e. Indie tracks would automatically play with an Indie sound/eq setting, and Dance tracks would play with a Dance eq/setting Anyway, they're just my feelings. What's everyone else want?
  6. Hi all, Just wondering what EQ settings everyone uses on their NW-A1000. If you've got custom ones on which have you found work best? Cheers.
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