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    Drinkin' and Puffin'


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  1. I to have just bought the N910 and think the earplugs are the give you are to big to fit in to your ears...Any suggestions on ear plugs that fit right in your ears to let you hear plenty of base bump...I just feel as if i'm not gettin' all the sound i should be getting. :x
  2. is there not some kind of hack out there that will bump the amp up to what you want........surely there must be some way....and if there's not.....Why not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. What do you mean by on the fly...Do you mean in the old sky rocket at live gigs or i'm i total missing the point here!!!!!
  4. Is there a lot of difference in these babies cause the price difference is pretty much....i thought they done much about the same.
  5. Whats the difference between the"s" and "l" in M.Ds (i.e MZ-N710s,MZ-N710L-MZ-N910L,MZ-N910s) Cheers
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