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  1. Nope, No luck. Deleted the files, then deleted the songs from Sonic Stage, then the Playlist... reimported the lot. But no luck, after 1 check out (all that was left on one song) it wouldn't let me check it out again. Makes me think it stores the info away from the optomized song, like in some kind of DB or the registry or something.
  2. Alright, I'll give that a go again, Cheers!
  3. Yeah, tried that. Even went so far as deleting the playlist and re importing it (it's ex CD so I'm not worried about losing it) Any other suggestions?
  4. Okay, I've lost a MD with some checked out music on it. Is there anyway I can reset the check out count in Sonic Stage. It says I have 2 left, how do I get that back to 3?
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