Hi everyone,
I am new to this forum but not new to MD. Greetings to everyone, and I apologize for my first post being one begging for help.
After just over 5 years of valiant service, my Sony MZR-50 portable appears to have given up the ghost. When listening to a couple of recordings I recently made, they have some skips or stutters in them. Apparently from the reading I have done on the net, my laser assembly needs either adjusting or replacement. However, this is not the main concern of my post.
The real problem is what I encountered today. The unit appears to be editing the TOC of discs, but not saving it. Of course, I didn't notice this until it was too late. So I added a couple of track marks to a couple of discs today, and then later tried to play them, but they are both showing as blank. :cry:
Unfortunately, these discs are unreplaceable. From my additional research on the web, apparently with some decks I can "trick" it into writing a new TOC onto the erased disc to recover the tracks...or something to that effect? So here is my question:
Is there anyone out there that can help me with this process? I would even be willing to send the discs to someone in the mail, with monetary compensation for the time entailed to fix the discs. I know the data is on there, it is just a damaged or missing TOC (I think?). I don't care about the track marks or the order or the titles or *anything* on the disc but the music, if that makes it easier to fix.
Or alternatively, I have an MZR-70 (that I have never really liked, thus my reliance on the formerly old faithful R-50) and the malfunctioning MZR-50, so if there is anything that I can do with those decks to try to recover the information on my 2 discs, I would appreciate that info as well.
Please PM me or answer in this thread.
I am *desperate* for help...*anyone* that can offer assistance will be greatly appreciated!