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Everything posted by Akuma420

  1. Hi all, I am the one who posted below about my MZR-50 erasing 2 discs and my subsequent devastation. My offer in that thread still stands, if someone can recover these 2 discs, I would be willing to compensate them monetarily for their time and efforts. However, I may be able to fix the problem myself, if a portable guru can help with this issue. I found a webpage that explains how you can "trick" a deck into rebuilding a TOC for you so that you can play an accidentally erased disc. You do this by recording a full disc of silence and then using "test mode", you can copy the TOC from that disc onto the erased disc (by tricking the deck and swapping discs in test mode), allowing access to the content. Here's my question: the website said this would work with Sony decks, but not with all portables. If I can get my working MZR-70 into test mode, does anyone know if this TOC cloning trick will work? And if not, can I rent about 3 hours of usage on someone's deck to get this resolved? Please assist in anyway possible...these discs are irreplaceable!
  2. Hi everyone, I am new to this forum but not new to MD. Greetings to everyone, and I apologize for my first post being one begging for help. After just over 5 years of valiant service, my Sony MZR-50 portable appears to have given up the ghost. When listening to a couple of recordings I recently made, they have some skips or stutters in them. Apparently from the reading I have done on the net, my laser assembly needs either adjusting or replacement. However, this is not the main concern of my post. The real problem is what I encountered today. The unit appears to be editing the TOC of discs, but not saving it. Of course, I didn't notice this until it was too late. So I added a couple of track marks to a couple of discs today, and then later tried to play them, but they are both showing as blank. :cry: Unfortunately, these discs are unreplaceable. From my additional research on the web, apparently with some decks I can "trick" it into writing a new TOC onto the erased disc to recover the tracks...or something to that effect? So here is my question: Is there anyone out there that can help me with this process? I would even be willing to send the discs to someone in the mail, with monetary compensation for the time entailed to fix the discs. I know the data is on there, it is just a damaged or missing TOC (I think?). I don't care about the track marks or the order or the titles or *anything* on the disc but the music, if that makes it easier to fix. Or alternatively, I have an MZR-70 (that I have never really liked, thus my reliance on the formerly old faithful R-50) and the malfunctioning MZR-50, so if there is anything that I can do with those decks to try to recover the information on my 2 discs, I would appreciate that info as well. Please PM me or answer in this thread. I am *desperate* for help...*anyone* that can offer assistance will be greatly appreciated!
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