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Everything posted by coathanger

  1. Looks like its back to the old drawing board.
  2. coathanger


    You might try importing the large mp3s into SonicStage and optimize the files as .omg files. You can try going to your music disk in SonicStage and divide the files, but most likely it will give you an error (having to do with 2 file types). Browse through your hard drive to the location where your .omg files are stored by SonicStage. Make a copy of the .omg files for the books to another directory and then import those .omg files into SonicStage and you should be able to use the built-in divide feature to split the book up for easy use on your NetMD player.
  3. Copy the directory listed (c:program files....) to a temp directory after you have checkout counts where you want them. Once you do the checkouts, close sonicstage and copy the backed up directory and files back over the original directory. The script does nothing malicious and should be relatively easy to follow. If you want to verify, look up "FileSystemObject.CopyFolder" on google and you will see similar examples to copy directories.
  4. My frustrations with SonicStage's counting has had me looking for a fix for the check in/out process. I have found that by copying certain files back and forth in a shared directory, that one can essentially keep the checkout count at 3 between subsequent reloads of SonicStage. The following code samples allow one to backup the files once fresh imports have been made where the checkout counts are back to normal. One checkouts have been done, one can run the restore script to restore the count values back to 3 (or previous values). YMMV, and if this is not appropriate for this forum, I apologize for posting this info. File: OMGBackup.vbs Function BackupOMG() Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFSO.CopyFolder "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSony SharedOpenMGprocfile" , "c:tempomgbackup" , 1 Set objFSO = nothing End Function box = MsgBox("Backup OMG files", vbyesno) If box = 6 Then BackupOMG() End If File OMGRestore.vbs Function RestoreOMG() Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFSO.CopyFolder "c:tempomgbackup" , "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSony SharedOpenMGprocfile" , 1 Set objFSO = nothing End Function box = MsgBox("Restore OMG files", vbyesno) If box = 6 Then RestoreOMG() End If
  5. Thanks for your input. I just get paranoid with new gadgets. After only 3 weeks, my MD player has become indispenable. I listen to music and ebooks I convert using text to speech software during my 2.5hrs of commute every day. These MD players/recorders are rather useful and inexpensive devices.
  6. I recently purchased a n510 and on the back there was a sticker that had a recycle logo along with NiMH and a phone number. Does this mean that I won't screw up my MD player by using a NiMH battery instead of alkaline? There is no mention of proper voltage to power the MD player in the manual, but there is a difference b/w alkaline and NiMH, so I was curious to hear what other's experiences are with rechargeables. Thanks.
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