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  1. Go ahead. That`s what it is there for my friend! -- Brandon Fogerty http://www.jujikasoft.com GOD Bless you Always my Friends!!!
  2. You CAN use the PSP web browser offline. I confirmed this by making a simple Javascript Calculator for the PSP. On your memory stick under PSP directory, make a new directory called WEB. In that directory, place whatever html file and graphics you want. From there, in the PSP browser, type the following address url in. file:/PSP/WEB/whatever.html You can download my JavaScript PSP Calculator here. http://www.jujikasoft.com/PSP/calc.html Then just follow my previous directions and on your PSP web browser go to file:/PSP/WEB/calc.html file:/ will access files on your memory stick. We might be able to get an exploit working on 2.0 by playing with this. -- Brandon Fogerty http://www.jujikasoft.com GOD Bless you Always my friend!!!!!!!
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