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Everything posted by H22CRXSOL

  1. Also, on your recording software on your computer, make sure it's set to record in mono as well.
  2. true, windows sound recorder has a 1 minute limit. what i have done in the past with that is record 1 minute of blank audio, save it, open a new file, then then keep inserting the premade 1 minute blank to make the new one as long as i need it, ie a 4 minute blank. then when you need to record, start from the beginnning, and when done playing back, delete the rest blank audio after the end and voila! however, for basic no frills recording it's OK. Rather use a full featured audio software IMHO.
  3. Never mind. I got the service manual from the main page and figured it out.
  4. I've noticed that lately my N10 unit won't self eject an MD. I have to hold it upside down and let the disc fall out of the unit. I think this may have started when I dropped my unit from my bed (2nd and last time, I promise my beloved MD player!). Anyway, does anybody know of a way I can fix this?
  5. Cool, thanks. Those earbuds both of you recommend, do you do any jogging with them and if so do they fall out? Anybody have any experiences or thoughts on these?
  6. Anybody else have problems with wearing the supplied earbuds for extended periods of time. I've got an MZ-N10 and after a short while, when I take the earbuds out, my ears ache. Like they're stretching the lobes of my ears. Has anybody else experienced this and has any tips for placement of the earbuds?
  7. Hey Kevs, I found some info that should give you a more overal knowledge about music, specificaly analog versus digital. http://geraldtomyn.tripod.com/digan.htm Enjoy
  8. NRen2k5 Your right. Those are 2 different terms. Also, I was using comparisons for crappy P2P MP3's since that's what the average Joe uses. A 3:21 long song on my computer is 7.67MB at 320kbps and 44kHz. Yes ATRAC and MP3 are lossy encoders. I know you were using extreme examples, which is why I tried to state earlier to use about the same format as your end product is going to be. Can't really make it any better, but you can try to not let it get too much worse.... No offense taken. I knew it wasn't going to sound as good as the CD I recorded them from over a year ago. I was just trying to minimize the loss from going anaglog LP2 to MP3 to LP4. I'm only recording in LP4 due to me being in the AirForce and being deployed at the moment, I can't carry around too many MDs. But honestly, I was surprised that they sound a WHOLE lot better than I thought they would. I even listen to my MDs through loudspeakers. And yes, the MZ-N10's ATRAC TypeS is definately an improvement. I listened to the same MD I recorded with my MZ-R500 in anaglog LP2 on the N10 with the same headphones and it definately sounded better. Manuel
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