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About Platinum_Nightclub_Dj

  • Birthday 11/24/1986

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    MZ-N510 and MZ-N410

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  1. Argh! I tried your advice and it still doesn't work! I can't even install the PA driver Does anyone have any idea wut i should do???
  2. Ok i clicked on the Personal audio drivers link u gave me and downloaded the file, but it won't install. I runs through the setup guide wizard but the installation doesn't start. As for connect.com, the only thing i found on that websites were links to songs and ads, no installer anywhere
  3. I recently upgraded from SS1.5.6 to the new 2.3 version, but now i have a serious problem... The thing is that when i connect the USB port to my netmd recorder (i use the MZ-N510 and the MZ-N410) and jump to the record panel of sonicstage it wont detect them, despite the fact that my computer reads the new hardware just fine. What should i do? long busrides without music are lame and i wanna start recording mds again.
  4. I was wondering, since my MZ-NE410 recently crapped out on me and stopped working, im deciding nows the time to get a new recorder since my warrenty expired and repair shops are too time consuming, expensive, and dont always work. Before i buy a new one though, i would like to hear some imput to advise me which unit is the best one for em to buy. The specifics im looking for in a recorder go as follows: -costs less than or equal to 250$ US (without tax, seeing as how in canada we put taxes on everything :?) -has ok to very good durability both in hardware and software -comes with an AC adapter (i find it stupid that the MZ-NE410 doesnt have one) -is easy to use in terms of the recorder itself, and when it comes time to recording songs and managing yuor MDs -preferably made by sony (as how im not too familiar with the other companies) -has a long life span (meaning it wont start to crap up for atleast a good long time)
  5. Hey, i got a problem and its somewhat of a big one :cry: I have an MZ-NE410, and im using sonicstage 1.5.6 with it. What the problem is that whenever i try to record music onto my MZ-NE410, halfway before its done recording it makes a somewhat louf and wierd noise, and it displays on my MZ-NE410's display window Lobatt meaning low battery, and it abrubtly ends recording. When this happens both my computer and recorder act as if the USB cord isn't connected to the computer, forcing me to reconnect the USB port on my recorder. The wierd thing about this though is when i check the battery, i see its still at full power, meaning it cant be caused by a low powered battery. I really don't know whats causing this, seeing as how sonicstage is working fine with no problems, and i never dropped/bumped/got the recorder wet up to date.
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