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    Sound recording, guitar, music composition

juicysound's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Does anyone have a suggestion for a good book on mastering? What do you guys usually do with files once you've recorded them into the computer? Normalize first, then compress? Vice-versa? EQ?
  2. Does anyone know where I might be able to get an replacement stand/clip that comes with the Sony ECM-MS907? I lost mine and need it to conduct interviews as I am a journalism student. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  3. This is my first post so hopefully it'll work. I have a Sony MZ-N707, Sony ECM-907, Apple iBook, and soon an iMic. Has anybody ever used BIAS Peak for recording minidisc recordingson a Macintosh? If so, did you like the program? Do you use a Firewire drive? I am planning on getting a Firewire drive for my recordings?
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