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  1. Both Minidisc-Canada and SonyStyle's prices do not include taxes. When you go to check-out at Minidisc-Canada, the price of the unit is listed as a subtotal, which denotes that taxes are not included. As for SonyStyle, it clearly states "Total Before Taxes: 399.99" when your shopping cart has a MZNHF800 in it.
  2. From the MDs that you check-out your various songs to, you have to check them back in and that will give that song more check-outs. Now I'm not sure how checking in actually works because I've never had to do it, but yeah.. perhaps someone more educated can answer that.
  3. Alright then.. If this is the case, I'll probably be getting the N510, depending on how things go. But then if I don't get the 510 around Christmas, I'll probably wait a bit and get the 910 if I have the money. Anyways, thanks a lot for the help. Greatly appreciated.
  4. OK here's the picture: http://www.sonystyle.com/intershoproot/eCS...50/MZN510CK.jpg Apparently I was mistaken. The remote is obviously that long black thing with the buttons on it. So then, can someone tell me what the little black knob next to the car adapter is? It's in the top right of the pic. Also, I read a customer review that it comes with a leather pouch.. is this true? I don't think the sony site makes any mention of the pouch.
  5. But hows it look? I saw a picture of the system and the remote looks like a little knob.
  6. Thanks for the help Berky. I don't mind if the weight is a bit heavier; I don't really fancy paying 100 bucks for a radio tuner and a rechargable battery, but that's just me. How does the N510's remote work? I saw a picture, it was kind of small, but they call it a "Rotary Remote" used in the car or something. Can it be used normally like the 610's remote? How does this "rotary" thing work? I don't mind if it doesn't have an LCD screen, as long as I can use it to control the main fucntions. Oh and I won't be doing any recording so it's fine.
  7. Hey guys, I was looking to get some portable audio player and then I stumbled across MDs, which really appeal to me. But anyways, enough of that. I'm trying to decide between the MZNF610 or the MZN510. Here's the URL for the 610: http://www.sonystyle.ca/commerce/servlet/P...120n46922n32123 But anyways, the 610 is a whole 120 bucks more expensive than the 510 (CDN), and it comes with a lot of useless stuff I could personally really care less about (i.e. rechargable battery, fm/am tuner). But the thing it does have is that little remote. Is the remote just used for the radio tuner (since the site calls it a "Tuner Remote) or can I use it for controlling the actual songs on the MD as well? Because I'm really not looking for a tuner, and apart than that, the 610 and 510 are virtually the same. But as with any portable audio player, a remote that can control the actual player (not jsut the tuner) can come in really handy, so I'm not really sure about that. So anyways, what are your recommendations? The places where I can buy MD Recorders around here only carry Sony NetMDs and the Aiwa ones.
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